By energy renovating we can make our homes more energy efficient

80 million Europeans live in unhealthy houses

It is possible to reduce energy consumption in buldings up to 80%

And make Europe independent of energy import

The benefits of energy renovating homes is tremendous

Make it happen


REFURB is a consortium of 13 partners and a number of cooperators in a new project exceeding borders in EU, to inspire homeowners to move a step further with their energy renovations and achieve zero energy renovation. Easy, economical and efficient. REFURB gives an overview in a one-stop-shop model and establishes local partnerships and energy solutions close to consumers in the participating countries.

Know-how on energy renovation

With a better housing adviser you can get an overview and a priority of which solutions, that gives the best non-energy and energy related benefits and at the same time is the best investment when renovating your house.

Sustainable energy solutions

REFURB will keep consumers aware of good energy behaviour and profitable investments in sustainable energy solutions and technology. We will provide renovation offers that gives efficient or holistic solutions.


Overview of suppliers

As a consumer it is difficult to choose between different technical solutions. Therefore the project will include a mapping of the supply side and all the different technical solutions that can fit your need as consumer.



REFURB bridges a number of European countries sharing knowledge, technology and cooperation benefitting the private homeowner. Find your partner country – and come close to your local possibilities

 See all EU partners


Be inspired by the newest cases and solutions from across Europe. From smaller private homes to massive energy renovation projects in housing associations and city renewal.

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It should be easy, economical and efficient for any homeowner to get an overview on the green energy possibilities in his or hers home.

Truth is it usually is not. This is where the one-stop-shop steps in and helps you along to see the local possibilities and solutions in your region.


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REFURB build upon existing knowledge from many European countries. Publications are continuously posted here in English and local languages.

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