The Frisian NZEB-market; an insight!


The REFURB consortium paid a visit to several different NZEB (net zero energy) market players in the province of Fryslân during the final meeting of the REFURB programme. The visits made a lasting impression!

On Tuesday the 6th of March 2018, fthe factory of Bouwgroep Dijkstra Draisma in Dokkum was visited. Here the party saw first-hand how the insulated facades were put together in an industrial way, partially by robots. Manager Innovation, Folkert Linnemans told the REFURB partners passionately about the many innovative products of BGDD, from their Stroomversnelling alike NZEB solution to an ESCO model for the ice dome in Leeuwarden.

(Visit BGDD in Dokkum)


On Wednesday the 7th of March, a visit was paid to the Friese Poort in Leeuwarden, a ‘green’ regional vocational school. The school has its own regional Centre of Sustainability, which includes a hands-on training facility ‘’Duurzaam Doen Huis’ (in English; “Sustainable Do House’), where multiple suppliers have installed their own sustainable equipment. Both pupils as well as anyone interested can receive product training with the workshop ‘How do I sustain my house’. Ambassadors of the municipality of Leeuwarden and mortgage advisors from Rabobank were among the many students.

(Duurzaam Doen Huis/ Sustainable Do House vocational school Friese Poort Leeuwarden)

The REFURB partners also heard political views on NZEB, from the Alderman of the Province of Fryslân, Michiel Schrier (picture) as well as the major of the city of Leeuwarden, Ferd Crone. Policy is focussed on bringing together the energy transition and phasing out of natural gas with social benefits, such as innovation, green job creation and prevention of energy poverty.

Meet and greet Alderman Michiel Schrier (second one on the right)                                      Meet and greet Major Ferd Crone (holding the blue chair)

In the evening a last study trip was planned, a visit to a model dwelling of the building company Van Wijnen in Gorredijk. In a very homey setting, managing director Peter van Hutten explained their NZEB solution ‘Fijn Wonen’ (in English; “Pleasantly living’), with unique selling points such as its demountable and circular approach, use of domotica and ‘Lifelong living extension’. Of course, everyone was welcome to look around the model dwelling.

(Product characteristics Fijn Wonen)                                                                                           (Product characteristics Fijn Wonen)

During the visits to the factory of BGDD in Dokkum and  the model dwelling of Van Wijnen in Gorredijk the REFURB partners could not help but ask about energy performance guarantees. They were pleased to learn that both building companies do issue such guarantees along with their NZEB solutions. BGDD offers a 25- year guarantees for renovated social rental dwellings. Van Wijnen offers a 10-year guarantee for either a renovated social rental dwelling or new-built.

It has been a great 2,5 days. Let the sun shine on Fryslân!