In April 2017, a dozen stakeholders from the supplier side met up to give feedback on the ideas of renovating packages adapted to Danish conditions. The suppliers represented the entire supply chain; from the bank/loan supplier, to craftsmen, entrepreneurs and energy consultants.

The suppliers gave valuable feedback especially on the reasons for choosing a step-by-step solution based on their know-how and their first hand experiences in meeting the customers. In Denmark, the focus is on concept solutions for young families and empty nesters. Aalborg University has calculated the value and the priority of different energy renovation measures by assigning to parameters, such as health, comfort, and aesthetics a higher relevance than energy savings. In addition, the customer journey and possible dropout barriers were discussed. The inputs from the supply side will be summed up in the reports which will be published in July 2017.During fall 2017, a rollout plan for this compelling offer will be designed.