Renovation Pact initiated by Flemish government

The pact is to set out action plans for increasing the energy renovation rate of Flemish houses. REFURB partners are heavily involved in the pact.

In July 2014, the new Flemish government identified the improvement of energy efficiency of the building stock as a top priority[1]. The EPR2020 was evaluated and its target adjusted to 2030 in consultation with the stakeholders. To facilitate the transformation of the built environment in Flanders, the ‘Renovation Pact’ has been initiated[2].

The Renovation Pact[3], as initiated by the Flemish government in December 2014, is coordinated by the Flemish Energy Agency (VEA) and is a collaboration of the Flemish government and about 30 stakeholder organizations.

With this renovation pact there is a close collaboration between the Flemish, the regional and local governments and the housing and building sector.

Its objective is to develop and implement a coherent plan of action that, in a short-, medium- and long-term perspective, will lead to a significant increase of the renovation rate of the Flemish housing stock and will optimize its energy performance to nearly zero energy level.

To realize the European CO² reductions by 2050 all the houses should be renovated until Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB).  As 70% of the Flemish houses are built before 1970, we have a big potential for energy-efficiency renovations. An energetic renovation demands an integrated approach: it is important to make a global vision for each house on how to reach the NZEB standard.  This masterplan can be realized in one global renovation or in a step by step approach, each approach has his own advantages and disadvantages.

REFURB partners Bostoen and Leiedal are member in 5 of the 10 workgroups of the renovation pact, based on our own specializations.  In these workgroups they work together with the government and other stakeholders on the following themes: the concrete long-term goal, the renovation recommendations, the financial support, business cases and demonstration projects, and communication.  In these workgroups the partners can immediately share knowledge achieved in the REFURB project with the government and the building sector.

More info:

[1] Vlaamse regeerakkoord 2014-2019

[2] Vlaamse beleidsnota Energie 2014-2019
