REFURB Conference 2017 as an associated event of REDay2017

The REFURB Conference 2017 is held in coordination with Renovate Europe Day 2017 during European week of Regions and Cities.


On October 10th 2017, you will have the perfect opportunity to participate in several national events and side events addressing the subject energy refurbishment towards Nearly Zero Energy in Buildings (NZEB).

From 10am, REDay2017 will take place in the European Parlament, Room ASP 3H1

REFURB Coordinator, Peter Rathje will speak about The Compelling Offer – How the market should meet the nZEB needs and desires of private homeowners
See the video from theREDay2017 HERE.

(Click on image for more information)

Attend the conference to know more about:

  • How can we make the EU vision of a Nearly Zero Energy (NZEB) building stock by 2050 deliver the best results for its citizens?
  • What is the best way to reflect the important contribution which buildings must make to the Paris Agreement in the EU’s Clean Energy Package?
  • How can we improve the quality of life and wellbeing of EU citizens through better buildings?


Afterwards, from 1pm the REFURB Conference 2017 will take place in VLEVA auditorium, Avenue de Cortenbergh 71, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

The conference will focus on how to activate homeowners towards investing in energy efficiency. How to speed up deep energy renovation dynamics and generate impact with regional innovation and renovation offers. REFURB will present the main findings, renovation offers, business models as an important part of the European green transition.


Both of the two conferences mentioned above will take place during the European Week of Regions and Cities which makes Bruxelles the perfect location on October 10th 2017 if you are interested in energy refurbishment and the green transition.