Homepage - Warmer Wonen (living warmer), Belgium
In Flanders (Belgium) the housing market is characterized by a very fragmented homeownership. Around 80% of the Flemish households owns their own house and have built them in a very loose legal framework, according to their own tastes and desires. This state of play constitutes a huge challenge to stimulate deep renovations towards NZEB dwellings due to the morphological and technical diversity of the Belgian housing stock, but also because many different stakeholders (and final decision makers) need to be made aware, convinced, find financing and act.
Leiedal coordinates the cooperation between public stakeholders on housing policies. They aim at tackling barriers for housing renovation (advice, financing, execution of work…) and seek catalysing unburdening of households through triple helix- stakeholder involvement.
Read more on www.warmerwonen.be.
Flanders, Belgium constitues a very difficult case for deep renovations as many of the houses have been built within a very loose legal framework, this means that the houses are very different in both construction and design.
Project Manager:
Virginia Gómez Oñate
Smart Energy and Built Environment
Energyville @ VITO NV
Boeretang 200
2400 Mol
+32 14 33 59 78
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