Homepage - Sealing the envelope, Belgium
Recticel Insulation set up a partnership with Wienerberger, the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) and architect Cyndie Hanssens (avdk architects) to renovate a detached house in Spiere (Belgium). The house dates from 1901 and has a basement, 2 floors and an attic. Before the renovation took place, there was no insulation, the windows were single glazed, the heating installation was substandard and air tightness was very poor. To become a low-energy renovation, following measures were taken: 20 cm roof insulation (Powerroof) and 20 cm wall insulation (Powerwall) was placed, windows were replaced, walls were protected against water infiltration, a ventilation system C was installed and heating techniques were adapted to the needs of a low-energy house. The renovation did not include any volume changes and the same occupants resided before and after the renovation. These preconditions ware necessary to be able to make an accurate evaluation of the impact of the renovation. A lot of measurements (temperature, relative humidity, blowerdoor,…) were made, before and after the renovation activities. In this way, home comfort, energy consumption, air tightness and thermal bridges could be mapped. The results are amazing: a house with a very low energy consumption, and with a new build look.
The house before the renovation.
The house after the renovation. Not only did the renovation result in lower energy costs, it also gave the house an entirely new appearance.
Project Manager:
Virginia Gómez Oñate
Smart Energy and Built Environment
Energyville @ VITO NV
Boeretang 200
2400 Mol
+32 14 33 59 78
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