Planina – energy efficient neighbourhood

Multiapartment building was renovated by initiative from managers of the multiapartment buildings, which presented the opportunities of co-financing mechanisms for the energy renovation of the building to the representatives of the flats owners.

Co-financing mechanisms always involve ECO FUND, which subsidizes a whole range of environmentally beneficial actions, amongst which actions regarding energy-efficiency and renewable energies. For the period 2008 – 2013 the fund awarded 31.606 incentives on renewable energy and 27.321 incentives for efficient energy use. Next step was collection of approvals of the at least 70% of the apartments owners in the multiapartment building for further investments in renovation of the building.

Meetings and negotiations with owners were done by prepresentative of the owners and manager of the multi-apartment building about further steps, public procurement rules, plan of the reconstruction etc. These actions are followed by the public procurement done by the manager of the building, and finalized by choosing the right company to complete the construction work.

Manager of the building has competences to prepair the table of needed construction works and also an application to the call for co-financing, published by the ECO FUND. Usually all the planned activities are cofinanced from 15% to 25% by national eco fund. Most common energy renovations of the multiapartment buildings are:  façade renovation, insulation of the roof, insulation of the cellar, change of the windows in entire building, change of the heating device,…

What we have done is façade renovation, insulation of the cellar and roof and change of the windows in entire building.