Homepage - New case: Gas and energy-neutral living in Aldlân Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
This is one of the concepts developed during REFURB. ‘Stichting Duurzaam Aldlân’ (‘Sustainable Aldlân) is one of the largest and most successful neighborhoods within the energy saving program of Buurkracht and the Municipality of Leeuwarden.
The ambition is high. The aim is to work towards a Gas-free and Energy-neutral district Aldlân. Within that broad ambition the partners are offering NZEB renovation according to the principle of the customer journey conditions including:
2. Stepwise approach with no lock in.
3. Financing.
4. New Technology. Highly experimental products are excluded.
5. Tailor made
Read the project report HERE and see more on the general energy saving site HERE
Project Manager:
Virginia Gómez Oñate
Smart Energy and Built Environment
Energyville @ VITO NV
Boeretang 200
2400 Mol
+32 14 33 59 78
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