Homepage - New case: “Better Housing”, Denmark
50% of all the energy use in houses in Denmark is used in single-family houses (Danish Energy Agency, 2013). “Better Housing” – is a one stop-shop counseling through all of the building process. The goal is to remove barriers and make it simpler/easier and manageable hos house owners, create a scheme that house owners can trust.
In Denmark, there is a focus on training the good ambassadors and post educate master craftsmen and energy consultants to be Better Housing consultants. A national supported program from the Danish Energy Agency called Better Housing is based on principles on making it easier for the homeowner to get through the energy renovation process with a 1-stop shop concept.
The homeowner has the possibility to find an educated and qualified energy educated “Better Housing” advisor that can guide the homeowner through the renovation process. The Better Housing consultant offers a screening, a Better Housing Plan (based upon an energy check-up and calculation of energy savings in a very well recognized on-line tool) and guidance through the renovation process.
See an example of a renovation process HERE
Project Manager:
Virginia Gómez Oñate
Smart Energy and Built Environment
Energyville @ VITO NV
Boeretang 200
2400 Mol
+32 14 33 59 78
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