

Work presented in this paper was developed as a port of Horizon 2020 EU project REFURB.

Deep renovations of the residential buildings towards Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB), is lagging behind the European political ambitions for energy renovation. The overall REFURB project focuses on bringing forward solutions to solve the complex interplay between the supply side and the demand side of an nZEB renovation and bring forward compelling offers targeting the residential sector.

Due to the multiple significant differences at national level, compelling offers were developed specifically for each country participant. This paper elaborates only on Danish approach.

The Danish approach to create compelling offers for pre-selected home owner target groups was based on following components:

  • Selection of dwelling segment with high impact and energy saving potential
  • Sequenced approach in creating package solutions
  • Compelling offer to be proposed with specific timing.

This paper focuses mainly on the second listed component, namely, development of renovation package solutions and shortly highlights findings of the two other components.

Initially, developed renovation packages were optimized purely focusing on the best cost optimal, theoretical, energy savings. As a result very rational packages were developed that were not met with optimistic welcome by practitioners and building owners. After several surveys and meetings with renovation market stakeholders, such as, building owners, energy renovation contractors, financial institutions, energy consultants, the initial renovation packages were redefined in order to take account for other very important values, such as, securing investment in the renovated real estate, comfort, architectural aesthetic, “low hanging  fruit” energy saving solutions.

Finally, 10 different customized renovation packages were developed ranging between up to 12.000 and 75.000 € and bringing energy savings between 30 and up to 80%.


>> Read the full article here*<<<  

*The technical report behind the article can be found HERE