Below you can read a short overview of the work packages. Read a summary and/or full report here.

D2.1: “Demand side segmentations in EU and regions” This report is part of work package 2 (demand side mapping), and describes a segmentation of the demand side in types of dwellings and dweller. This is the first step to understand the homeowners as a diverse group of decision makers, when it comes to energy efficiency investment. D2.2: “Mapping the demand driver” As part of WP2, this report thematically maps the different drivers and barriers into four areas:
• Technical drivers and barriers, linked with the dwelling characteristics and the challenge to renovate to NZEB.
• Financial drivers and barriers, linked with the financial possibilities of the dweller and the cost of the NZEB-renovation.
• Social and behavioural drivers and barriers, linked with the decision-making process of the dweller, so including the behaviour, attitude of the dweller, as well as the (social) conditions to take a decision.
• Context drivers and barriers. These are rather external factors, not directly linked with the dweller or dwelling characteristics, but deal with the particular situation or context the homeowner has to deal with. E.g. legal and administrative issues, tenant-landlord issues, organisation of the building sector etc.

D3.1: “Mapping demand side drivers according to the supply side” This report is part of WP3 (supply side mapping), that focuses on the supply side. In WP3 the view of the supply side on the demand side and the already known solutions are mapped. This report is about understanding how the supply side perceives the demand drivers and to define the problem of mutual understanding.

Other reports will follow as the project progresses.