Implementing the EPBD in Germany

Like all the other EU member states, Germany will introduce nZEB standard into building and energy performance regulations according to the EPBD (Energy Performance Building Directive). Therefore, a new law will be introduced: the ‘Law for energy saving and use of renewable energy for heat and cold production in buildings’ – in short BuildingEnergyLaw (GebäudeEnergieGesetz – GEG). The GEG is introducing nZEB standard for new buildings from 2019 (public) or 2021 (private) and at the same time is meant to harmonise and simplify the existing regulations EnEV (Energieeinsparverordnung), EnEG (Energieeinsparungsgesetz) and EEWärmeG (Erneuerbare Energien-Wärmegesetz).

The new GEG does not only refer to new buildings. It will also include regulations for existing buildings, and therefore be relevant for energetic renovations. For the most part, the energetic requirements for existing buildings stay the same as before, but are combined in one law and thus easier to apply for homeowners, energy consultants and contractors.

Next to regulations on the energy performance of new and existing buildings, the GEG also includes revised rules on Energy Performance Certificates (EPC, ‘Energieausweis’): it increases due diligence for issuers of EPC regarding the quality of data provided by houseowners. Violations can now be fined. The GEG also includes the duty of the EPC issuer to use suitable photographies or on-site inspections for their evaluation of a building. EPC will in the future also include specifications on CO2-Emissions. The classification will be based on primary energy demand or usage, not on final energy demand or usage.

Right now, the law is still at draft stage. Stakeholders were given time to express their suggestions, which are taken into account by the ministries involved. The next step will be a decision in the ‘Bundeskabinett’, which consists of the chancellor and all current ministers and then readings in the ‘Bundestag’ and the ‘Bundesrat’. The ambition is to pass the law by January 2018.


Netzwerk-Brief_Projektinformationen aus den Netzwerkunternehmen_January2017