What is REFURB?
Overview and one-stop shop solutions for private homeowners
REFURB is a consortium of 13 partners and a number of cooperators in a project crossing borders in EU, to inspire homeowners to move a step further with their energy renovations and achieve zero energy renovation. Easy, economical and efficient. REFURB gives an overview in a one-stop-shop model and establishes local partnerships and energy solutions close to consumers in the participating countries. The REFURB project runs until 2018 and can be visited at www.refurb-project.eu. Please sign-up for our yearly newsletter or read the brochure on REFURB for more in-depth knowledge. The brochure is available in English, German, Estonian, Slovenian and Danish.
The partners are:
- Denmark: CLEAN, Project Zero, Aalborg University
- Germany: isw Institute, Bauverein Halle & Leuna
- Estonia: TREA Region of Tartu
- Belgium: Leiedal, Vito, Bostoen, Recticel
- Slovenia: Regional development agency of Gorenjska, BSC, Business support centre, l.t.d
- The Netherlands: Leeuwarden and Fryslan, Buurkracht
Be inspired by energy renovation case stories
REFURB gathers knowhow and inspiration from a multitude of European projects and experiences within energy renovation. Therefore, the consortium has gathered inspiring case stories from energy renovation projects within Estonia, Slovenia, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and Danmark, which are the participating countries. Get inspiration from e.g. 1970s one-story parcels renovated into 70% energy saving, multistory houses renovated to 96% energy reduction, small scale or major projects or concepts for post-education of craftsmen and much more.
Click the button below to see the cases.
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One-stop shop concept – from suppliers to buyers
REFURB seeks to approach energy renovations from the buyer’s point of view and provide house owners with a compelling offer – a one-stop shop that will make energy renovation easy – and make it happen. The concept means that specific renovation packages, that is tailored to where you are in your life and what needs you have, will be developed. You just have to define your needs through questions on house age and type, wishes for comfort level and energy reduction, financial capacity etc.
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Benefits of energy renovation
Energy renovation benefits both the individual house-owners, residents and society as a whole:
- Give you comfort
- Give you a healthier home
- Save money
- Secure future value of your home
- Green conscience
- Create jobs
- Reduce your consumption of limited energy resources
- Lower emissions
Cost-effective deep renovation at conference in May 2016 – REFURB represented
REFURB is represented in a workshop on cost-effective deep renovation during the International conference Clima2016 held in Aalborg, Denmark from 22nd til 25th of May 2016. The background and the early results from the project are presented by associate professor Tine Steen Larsen from Aalborg University who also represents the project in the panel discussion following the presentation. Other members of the panel will be representatives from other horizon 2020 projects regarding renovation.
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Renovation Pact initiated by Flemish government
In July 2014, the new Flemish government identified the improvement of energy efficiency of the building stock as a top priority. The EPR2020 was evaluated and its target adjusted to 2030 in consultation with the stakeholders. To facilitate the transformation of the built environment in Flanders, the ‘Renovation Pact’ has been initiated.
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Complex interplay of barriers is now mapped
Renovation by the private sector towards increased energy efficiency is seriously lagging behind. As more than sufficient technological solutions are available, focus must be on removing non-technological barriers.
Intelligent energy management in district heated homes is an untapped market
In Denmark alone there is a huge energy saving potential in buildings and an unexplored market potential at appprox. 5 mia. EUR[1] for Danish SME´s with energy efficient solutions and knowledge about energy efficient installations including intelligent energy management. CLEAN´s pilot project ”Hand on energy” has tested how to engage private home owners in a better energy behavior. In private homes in district heating areas an average of 9 % energy savings and a variation 3-28 % has been shown, when installing an intelligent energy management system with a low investment at approx. 1300 EUR per house.
Better House – targeting single family houses
CLEAN has been a part of consortium behind education Better Housing Consultants in Denmark. The Better House Scheme started because of growth plan Denmark 2013 to make energy saving effort more efficient. The Better House concept is also the Danish answer of how to respond to the Danish renovation strategy and the target of reducing the energy use in single-family houses in Denmark. The data from this scheme has contributed to REFURB mapping.
Project reports on demand drivers and barriers on energy efficiency – read them here
The contributors to work packages 2 and 3 have finished the following reports on their findings. Read about them here.
Energy renovation as research project in Belgium
As marketleader in PU insulation, Recticel are involved in different research projects. Renoseec is a national research project where they will renovate houses on district level. Therefore, Refurb is a very interesting reflexion of this smaller research project. Based on these projects, the Flemish government uses this experience to roll out this to the whole region as an upscaling effect Refurb gives us the opportunity to gain insight in the common practices in other countries, but also forces us to take a look at our own practice here in Belgium and really question the common ways of working. This will take the renovation practice to a higher level.
The road to zero energy renovation in Leeuwarden and Friesland
A seminar on the future of energy policy in Friesland was held on March 22nd 2016 in Leeuwarden. A concert hall was needed to welcome more than 150 people participated in a discussion about how Friesland will achieve their climate goals in 2020. One of the many discussion sessions dealt with the chances and challenges to renovating homes to nearly zero energy use. The conclusion was all of us have an important role to play; businesspeople, energy cooperatives, citizens, housing associations, educational institutions, civil society and government. Financing, quality assurance and general awareness were several subject where there are important steps to take on the road to energy neutral living. This year the Municipality of Leeuwarden in cooperation with the Province of Friesland and local housing association like Elkien are launching new schemes to achieve near zero energy renovations in private and public housing.
Synergy of projects takes smart energy a step further in Estonia
Parallel to the REFURB project, the City of Tartu in Estonia also participates in a Lighthouse project SmartEnCity together with Vitoria-Gasteiz of Spain and Sønderborg from Denmark. The latter is our partner also in REFURB project. Although SmartEnCity deals more with city level development it has a large common grounds with REFURB. Synergy of the two projects produces a good selection of samples of renovating multuappartment houses in city environment to meet requirements of near zero energy buildings.
REFURB presented at Sustainable Built Environment Conference in Utrecht (NL)
On Friday the 8th of April REFURB partners VITO and the city of Leeuwarden were invited to present the REFURB project at the Sustainable Built Environment: Transition Zero Conference in Utrecht.
The focus of the REFURB project was very much welcomed amongst many other EU projects with a more technical focus. More information can be found here.
Project partners meeting up in Denmark
On the 25-28th of April 2016, the consortium partners will meet up in Denmark at the biannual project meeting. The partners will discuss the forthcoming results and plan inputs for the upcoming workpackages. In order to follow up on the results, we recommend you to sign up for the annual newsletter.