REFURB Project partners met up in Belgium

In mid-April 2015, the partners on the newly begun project REFURB met-up in South West Flanders. The partners from Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Slovenia, Belgium and the Netherlands joined to give the project a good start and to see some inspiring projects on energy efficient living.

The European partners visit included the energy-neutral residential area ‘The Venning’ and upgraded Pluimstraat in Kortrijk. The next three years the project ‘REFURB’ shall inspire building owners to a faster and more efficient renovation of the obsolete housing stock. European examples will give and get inspiration for partners.
This meeting immediately marked the start of the European project REFURB. Not only achievements in the field were central but also how the knowledge can be optimally implemented in practice.
First the partners visited The Venning in Kortrijk. This outdated residential area was recently restored to a fully energy neutral district, which is not only beneficial to the environment but also for the residents’ energy bills. Then they visited a passive house of Bostoen in Harelbeke, an affordable concept for new construction and renovation. Finally, the partners stopped by Pluimstraat in Kortrijk. This rundown street was upgraded by the owners and residents under the impulse of renovation include supervisors and the “”now-or-never-premium”” of the city of Kortrijk.
REFURB is funded by the European Horizon2020 program.