Homepage - About REFURB
The project started in the beginning of April 2015 and ended in the end of March 2018
The REFURB-consortium aimed to increase the renovation rate by bridging the gap between the supply side (building sector) and demand side (homeowners). The ambition was to unburden homeowners, make it more easy for them and create one-stop-shops instead of being confronted with a myriad of parties, contractors, public bodies, etc. The consortium developed a methodology and country roadmaps which will result in dedicated renovation packages for different market segments and regions across Europe, starting with the private residential sector (homeowners). Customizable renovation packages were developed and tested to ensure that they meet local demands and can be provided by local supplier.
REFURB is a consortium of 13 partners and a number of cooperators in a project exceeding borders in EU, to inspire homeowners to move a step further with their energy renovations and achieve zero energy renovation. Easy, economical and efficient. REFURB gives an overview in a one-stop-shop model and establishes local partnerships and energy solutions close to consumers in the participating countries.
The partners involved covered the following countries: Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark, Slovenia, Estonia and Germany.
The REFURB consortium consisted of knowledgeable companies, partnerships, associations and local public authorities, able to mobilise the relevant stakeholders in the respective value chains for buildings renovation packages. It had a well balanced mix of competences and skills and included 13 partners: RTO’s/Technology Transfer organisation (VITO – the project Coordinator); construction industry company partners (BOSTOEN and RECTICEL); distribution system operator (FUDURA) deeply involved in the EE building renovation domain; organizational cluster of renovation companies (CLEAN); local, municipal and regional authorities, cooperations and associations (PZ, TREA, LEIEDAL, FRYSLAN, BSC KRANJ, BHL); and finally University and Research organisations (AAU and ISW) whose involvement brought technological and analytical competencies.
This group of project partners were strengthen by the 6 EU participating regions, bringing very large scope of housing types and huge dissemination capabilities with a total of 1,350,000 inhabitants and more than 500,000 homes. The participating regions were: South-West-Flanders; Province of Fryslân, Netherlands; Sonderborg and South Denmark; Tartu, Estonia; Halle, Germany; and Gorensjka region, Slovenia.
80 million Europeans live in unhealthy houses.
“It’s a pleasure to follow our heat consumption and see how little we need to buy off the common electricity net”
Jens Peter Kock, Home-owner, Denmark
Energy use in buildings can be reduced up to 80%
Project Manager:
Virginia Gómez Oñate
Smart Energy and Built Environment
Energyville @ VITO NV
Boeretang 200
2400 Mol
+32 14 33 59 78
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The primary source of the content, especially infotainments, on this website is RENOVATE EUROPE.